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This page includes a library of useful articles and sermon notes, written by our pastors on a wide variety of topics. Articles are grouped by topic, or you can try searching for the topics here.
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recent sermons
exceeding glories 4
of knowing Jesus, part 3
exceeding glories 3
of knowing Jesus, part 3
seeking God, part 3
The blessings of seeking God
seeking God, part 2
The blessings of seeking God
exceeding glories 2
of knowing Jesus, part 2
seeking God, part 1
The blessings of seeking God
exceeding glories 1
of knowing Jesus, part 1
should we feel shame?
FOMO, part 3
The Fear of Missing Out
God's glory, pt 3
Dan's Series on the glory of God
Freedom isn't easy
Mark Montgomery
FOMO, part 2
The Fear of Missing Out
FOMO, part 1
The Fear of Missing Out
God's glory, pt 2
Dan's Series on the glory of God
how thirsty are you?
Easter Sunday 2024
God's glory, pt 1
Dan's Series on the glory of God
thinking biblically, pt 4
Dan's Biblical Thinking Series
accomplishing God's will
what is accomplishment?
thinking biblically, pt 3
Dan's Biblical Thinking Series
do I have a purpose?
Dan's purpose series
contentment, part 5
Dan's contentment series
thinking Biblically pt 2
Dan's Biblical Thinking series
contentment, part 4
Dan's contentment series
thinking Biblically pt 1
Dan's Biblical Thinking series
communication, part 12
Dan's communication series
contentment, part 3
Dan's contentment series
contentment, part 2
Dan's contentment series
contentment, part 1
Dan's contentment series
communication, part 11
Dan's communication series
communication, part 10
Dan's communication series
peace, part 2
Dan's peace series
communication, part 9
Dan's communication series
death to life experiences
What the Bible says
peace, part 1
Dan's peace series
communication, pt 8
Dan's communication series
Psalm 16
A study of peace
communication, pt 7
Dan's communication series
why be generous?
A study in Biblical generosity
hope, part 3
Dan's Hope Series
communication, part 6
Dan's communication series
hope, part 2
Dan's Hope Series
hope, part 1
Dan's Hope Series
philippians 4:10-23
A Sunday Study
communication, part 5
Dan's communication series
communication, part 4
Dan's communication series
communication, part 3
Dan's communication series
communication, part 2
Dan's communication series
communication, part 1
Dan's communication series
idols, part 2
what idols do we have?
spiritual warfare, part 1
equipping class
idols, part 1
what idols do we have?
changing your heart
How to yield your heart
Who makes it heaven?
and how to pursue it
Where do I belong?
life after death
the believer's afterlife
life's mission
Our mission as a church
The Biblical Command and Attitude
Thinking Biblically
Part 1
Biblical reasoning illustrated
reasoning from the Scriptures
no fomo
no fear of missing out
His poverty, our riches
A Christmas message
study of john 10:27-30
theology & doctrine
Studies about doctrine and the nature of God
the good news
how to come to Jesus
the gospel
the problem and the good news
God's glory, pt 1
Dan's Series on the glory of God
God's glory, pt 2
Dan's Series on the glory of God
God's glory, pt 3
Dan's Series on the glory of God
God the Father
who is God the Father?
God the Son
who is Jesus?
God the Holy Spirit
who is the Holy Spirit?
Who makes it heaven?
why study theology?
the benefits of Biblical knowledge
our ability to talk to God
what does the Bible say?
why that way?
why did God save us that way?
false gods
are they real beings?
how to study the Bible
How to study God's Word
life after death
the believer's afterlife
God's jealousy vs. ours
how can God be jealous?
names of God
and their meanings
the end times
questions about the end
who is satan?
a study of our enemy
He is risen
an Easter message
do i have a purpose?
why am I here?
talking to God
talking to God in prayer
prayer fundamentals
the basics of prayer
wrestle in prayer
working things out through prayer
interceding in prayer
praying for others
when God isn't nice
seeing God's love in the difficulties
dealing with change
responding to the unknown
light of the world
His Light through us
organized religion?
should there be order in our worship?
love and war
reconciling love for enemies with war
palm sunday
the coming of our Savior
resurrection of peter
an easter message
Relationships with family, friends, romantic interests and with God
The Biblical Command and Attitude
genuine relationships pt. 1
true, loving relationships
genuine relationships pt. 2
true, loving relationships
genuine relationships pt. 3
true, loving relationships
genuine relationships pt. 4
true, loving relationships
genuine relationships, pt. 5
true, loving relationships
genuine relationships, pt. 6
true, loving relationships
the evil of manipulation
when we try to seize control
relationship transparency
Being real in our relationships
Biblical communication
Communicating to build up
communication, part 1
Dan's communication series
communication, part 2
Dan's communication series
communication, part 3
Dan's communication series
communication, part 4
Dan's communication series
communication, part 5
Dan's communication series
communication, part 6
Dan's communication series
communication, pt 7
Dan's communication series
communication, pt 8
Dan's communication series
communication, part 9
Dan's communication series
communication, part 10
Dan's communication series
communication, part 11
Dan's communication series
communication, part 12
Dan's communication series
other's needs
tending to the needs of others
dealing with people
the good, the bad and the ugly
active truth
putting the truth into action
love for family
truly loving those in our families
Love for neighbors, enemies, family, spouses, and the Lord
what is love?
A study in Biblical love
love for the Lord
what is love for the Lord?
love for neighbors
what is it to be a neighbor?
love for enemies
why we fail to love them
love and war
reconciling love for enemies with war
love for brothers
loving fellow believers
loving the lost
loving those who don't know God
love for family
truly loving those in our families
personal growth
Growing in our walk with God
seeking God, part 1
The blessings of seeking God
seeking God, part 2
The blessings of seeking God
seeking God, part 3
The blessings of seeking God
exceeding glories 1
of knowing Jesus, part 1
exceeding glories 2
of knowing Jesus, part 2
exceeding glories 3
of knowing Jesus, part 3
exceeding glories 4
of knowing Jesus, part 3
FOMO, part 1
The Fear of Missing Out
FOMO, part 2
The Fear of Missing Out
FOMO, part 3
The Fear of Missing Out
how thirsty are you?
Easter Sunday 2024
accomplishing God's will
what is accomplishment?
do I have a purpose?
Dan's purpose series
thinking Biblically pt 1
Dan's Biblical Thinking series
thinking Biblically pt 2
Dan's Biblical Thinking series
thinking biblically, pt 3
Dan's Biblical Thinking Series
thinking biblically, pt 4
Dan's Biblical Thinking Series
contentment, part 1
Dan's contentment series
contentment, part 2
Dan's contentment series
contentment, part 3
Dan's contentment series
contentment, part 4
Dan's contentment series
contentment, part 5
Dan's contentment series
peace, part 1
Dan's peace series
peace, part 2
Dan's peace series
why be generous?
A study in Biblical generosity
hope, part 1
Dan's Hope Series
hope, part 2
Dan's Hope Series
hope, part 3
Dan's Hope Series
idols, part 1
what idols do we have?
idols, part 2
what idols do we have?
changing your heart
How to yield your heart
Where do I belong?
The Biblical Command and Attitude
and how to pursue it
Thinking Biblically
Part 1
Biblical reasoning illustrated
reasoning from the Scriptures
no fomo
no fear of missing out
the evil of manipulation
when we try to seize control
you're not beyond God's reach
the shadow of death
study of psalm 23
dealing with change
responding to the unknown
the delusion of sin
musical preferences
what should praise be like?
how to study the Bible
How to study God's Word
Biblical grief
how and when should we grieve?
God's jealousy vs. ours
how can God be jealous?
the little things
the danger of "small" sins
moving forward in our faith
cultural values vs. God's truth
Biblical communication
building communication skills
knowledge vs knowing
knowing God as a relationship
He is risen
our Savior lives
gray issues
when it's not black & white
changing your heart
how to make the change
being yourself
how to be real
how to be happy
finding joy in the Lord
doing the work of an evangelist
do i have a purpose?
why am I here?
the blessings of obeying God
dealing with emotions
how to Biblically respond
talking to God
prayer is talking to God
prayer fundamentals
the basics of prayer
wrestle in prayer
working things out through prayer
interceding in prayer
praying for others
no provision for sin
preventing sin
giving thanks
the blessings of being thankful
wait for it...
parenting adult children
the changing role and influence
to Whom shall we go?
There is no other Name...
for whose honor?
for mine or for His?
testing for truth
John 7:1-18
time and opportunity
John 7:1-7
holiness and truth
John 7:1-18
deceptive appearances
John 7:19-24
spirit of prophecy
the real purpose of prophecy
when God isn't nice
is He still good?
living as exiles pt 1
living where we don't "belong"
living as exiles pt 2
living where we don't "belong"
light of the world
The Light of Jesus through us
why i'm the worst
our own sin is our top concern
dealing with people
the good, the bad and the ugly
changing perspective
seeing things in a different way
organized religion?
is it bad to be orderly in worship?
and NOW?
when things get hard
active truth
putting the truth into action
the choice to rejoice
we have control of our joy
dealing with doubt
what if we doubt our faith?
do they mean anything?
what if the worst...
what if the worst happens?
sphere of opportunity
recognizing our opportunities
Studies about prophecy and the Biblical responses and attitudes about it
are we in the end times?
Are we living in them?
spirit of prophecy
the purpose fo prophecy
the end times
questions about the end
do they mean anything?
how should we prepare?
biblical sexuality
Addressing issues of love, sexuality, and more
Biblical sexuality
God's design for sex
lgbtq issues
what does the Bible say?
what is love?
A study in Biblical love
Biblical dating
What the Bible says about dating
Studies in the human desire for control and the reality of God's control
control of God
control series 1 of 5
control of circumstances
control series 2 of 5
control of others
control series 3 of 5
lack of self-control
control series 4 of 5
control series 5 of 5
sins & struggles
Sins we may struggle with and their Biblical answers
should we feel shame?
spiritual warfare, part 1
equipping class
the little things
the danger of "small" sins
you're not beyond God's reach
what does the Bible say?
the evil of manipulation
when we try to seize control
dealing with cancer
a Biblical attitude and response
gray issues
when it's not black and white...
changing your heart
how to make the change
life dominating sin
recognizing it and dealing with it
no provision for sin
preventing opportunities for sin
parenting adult children
the changing role and influence
deceptive appearances
John 7:19-24
suicide and heaven
can suicide victims go to heaven?
a Biblical look at suicide
when God isn't nice
seeing God's love in difficulties
why i'm the worst
being most concerned with our own sin
love and war
reconciling love for enemies with war
and NOW?
when things get hard
the choice to rejoice
we have control of our joy!
dealing with doubt
when we have doubts in our faith
how should we prepare?
what if the worst...
what if the worst happens?
A Biblical approach to our entertainment choices and involvement
entertainment choices
choosing Godly entertainment
social media
a Biblical approach
heart in entertainment
our motives in entertainment
death and afterlife
Death, suicide, heaven, and other questions concerning the afterlife
is it a Biblical teaching?
questions and Biblical answers
suicide and heaven
can suicide victims go to heaven?
death to life experiences
What the Bible says
our age in heaven
how "old" will we be?
heaven and soul sleep
do we go to heaven right away?
the afterlife
what happens after we die?
Answers to general curiosity questions about the Bible
do they exist?
why that way?
why did God save us that way?
simple Bible questions
and their Biblical answers
do they mean anything?
book of john
Sunday sermons going through the book of John